Články z webu
Jsem nejradši, když má herec smysl pro humor a umí ho skrze sebe přetavit do příběhu, říká režisér Tomáš Svoboda
(19. 12. 2024)
Discoteca Paraiso osloví hlavně mladou generaci, ale nese poselství pro každého
(27. 10. 2024)
Režisér ostravské inscenace Hoří, má panenko Tomáš Svoboda: Přijďte se podívat, bude to velká legrace
(17. 11. 2022)
Vroucí ostravský kotel s Goldonim
(8. 11. 2021)
Production team - Season:
GOLDONI ALLA OSTRAVA or the Servant of Two Masters | Stage director Adaptation |
GURU TARTUFFE | Stage director Adaptation |
TESTOSTERON | Czech translation |
DISCOTECA PARAISO | Stage director |
GOLDONI ALLA OSTRAVA or the Servant of Two Masters | Stage director Adaptation |
GURU TARTUFFE | Stage director Adaptation |
TESTOSTERON | Czech translation |
GOLDONI ALLA OSTRAVA or the Servant of Two Masters | Stage director Adaptation |
TESTOSTERON | Czech translation |
THE FIREMEN'S BALL | Stage director Stage adaptation |
GOLDONI ALLA OSTRAVA or the Servant of Two Masters | Stage director Adaptation |
TESTOSTERON | Czech translation |
THE FIREMEN'S BALL | Stage director Stage adaptation |
GOLDONI ALLA OSTRAVA or the Servant of Two Masters | Stage director Adaptation |
TESTOSTERON | Czech translation |
TESTOSTERON | Czech translation |