Cast - Season:
ANDREA CHÉNIERCarlo Gérard, a servant
TEMPESTProsper, the sorcerer, the overthrown Duke of Milan
ANDREA CHÉNIERCarlo Gérard, a servant
NABUCCONabucco, King of Babylon
ANDREA CHÉNIERCarlo Gérard, a servant
NABUCCONabucco, King of Babylon
ARMIDAIsmen, the master of Syria, wizard
ARMIDAIsmen, the master of Syria, wizard
Photos - Season:
Milena Arsovska (Ariel, an air ghost), Richard Haan (Prosper, the sorcerer, the overthrown Duke of Milan), Barbora Perná (Miranda, his daughter)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Michal Onufer (Alonso, King of Naples), Richard Haan (Prosper, the sorcerer, the overthrown Duke of Milan), Jiří Halama (Antonio, Brother of Prospero, false Duke of Milano)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Richard Haan (Prosper, the sorcerer, the overthrown Duke of Milan), Milena Arsovska (Ariel, an air ghost)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Luciano Mastro (Ferdinand, Alonso's son), Richard Haan (Prosper, the sorcerer, the overthrown Duke of Milan), Milena Arsovska (Ariel, an air ghost), Barbora Perná (Miranda, his daughter)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Martin Gurbaľ (Hydraot, the king of Damascus), Richard Haan (Ismen, the master of Syria, wizard)
Photo by: Martin Popelář

Richard Haan (Ismen, the master of Syria, wizard)
Photo by: Martin Popelář

Roman Vlkovič (Ubald, knight), Richard Haan (Ismen, the master of Syria, wizard)
Photo by: Martin Popelář