Antonín Dvořák
Premiere May 3, 2012, 6.30 PM
Antonín Dvořák Theatre
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Antonín Dvořák

Premiere May 3, 2012, 6.30 PM - Antonín Dvořák Theatre

Drama about unfulfilled love of sorceress Armida. The very last opera written by Antonín Dvořák.




After his success with Rusalka (1901), Dvořák was looking for a new theme for his opera. At the beginning of 1902 Jaroslav Vrchlický reminded him that he had earlier offered him earlier his libretto Armida based on Tasso’s epic Jerusalem Delivered which told a story about the love of a knight Rinaldo and a pagan sorceress Armida. The story had already been set to music by several composers such as Lully, Händel, Mysliveček, Gluck, Haydn or Rossini. Vrchlický translated the epic into Czech in 1887 and soon after that he rewrote it as a libretto for an opera. After Dvořák’s initial refusal composers Karel Bendl, Zdeněk Fibich and Karel Kovařovic thought about using the libretto. Vrchlický, however, hoped that Dvořák would be the one to set it to music. The libretto met the demands Dvořák had – the story was set in the context of European-wide culture and it offered a wide range of opportunities for detailed portrayal and fantastical scenes. Nevertheless, the composer felt apprehension. After many complications with changes in the libretto, Dvořák finished his opera and in 1904 he had it ready for the premiere in the National Theatre in Prague. The audience accepted the opera well but the unsuccessful rendition of the production drew sharp criticism. The strain during the preparations for the premiere followed by the disappointment with the result had a detrimental effect on Dvořák’s health. One of the greatest composers of our musical history died a few weeks after the premiere of Armida, on 1st May 1904. The music of Armida is captivating. The opera returned to Ostrava’s stage after twenty years and we believe that it will add to a respectable celebration of the 170th anniversary of Dvořák’s birth. The dramaturgical introduction to the opera starts at 6 pm.



logoProduction team
Musical preparation
Stage director
Set designer
Costume designer
Motion cooperation
Assistant director
Chorus master
Assistant conductor
Performance manager
Date Time Stage Type Detail Tickets
May 3, 20126.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatrePremiereshow detail
May 5, 20126.30 PMAntonín Dvořák Theatre2nd premiereshow detail
May 12, 20126.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
May 16, 20126.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Jun 4, 20126.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Jun 12, 20126.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Oct 4, 20126.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Oct 9, 20126.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Oct 24, 20126.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Nov 4, 20123.00 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Nov 8, 20126.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Dec 7, 20126.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Jan 11, 20136.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail

Inscenace není v této sezóně na repertoáru.

Tomáš Černý (Rinald, knight)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Martin Gurbaľ (Hydraot, the king of Damascus), Richard Haan (Ismen, the master of Syria, wizard)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Ondrej Mráz (Petr, hermit), Dana Burešová (Armida, his daughter)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Martin Šrejma (Sven, knight), Tomáš Černý (Rinald, knight), Michal Křístek (Bohumír), Ondrej Mráz (Petr, hermit), Dana Burešová (Armida, his daughter)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Tomáš Černý (Rinald, knight), Dana Burešová (Armida, his daughter)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Sbor opery NDM

Photo by: Martin Popelář

Richard Haan (Ismen) a členové sboru opery NDM

Photo by: Martin Popelář

Valentin Prolat (Rinald), Martin Bárta (Bohumír) a členové sboru opery NDM

Photo by: Martin Popelář

Scéna z druhého jednání – uprostřed Martin Bárta (Bohumír)


Photo by: Martin Popelář

Valentin Prolat (Rinald, knight), Eva Dřízgová-Jirušová (Armida, his daughter)
Photo by: Martin Popelář

Valentin Prolat (Rinald), Ondrej Mráz (Petr) a Eva Dřízgová-Jirušová (Armida)

Photo by: Martin Popelář

Richard Haan (Ismen), Valentin Prolat (Rinald) a Eva Dřízgová-Jirušová (Armida)

Photo by: Martin Popelář

Richard Haan (Ismen, the master of Syria, wizard)
Photo by: Martin Popelář

Roman Vlkovič (Ubald, knight), Richard Haan (Ismen, the master of Syria, wizard)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
logoRehearsal gallery
Dana Burešová (Armida)

Photo by: Martin Popelář
Scéna z druhého jednání

Photo by: Martin Popelář
Richard Haan (Ismen)

Photo by: Martin Popelář
Scéna z druhého jednání – uprostřed Tomáš Černý (Rinald)

Photo by: Martin Popelář
Eva Dřízgová-Jirušová (Armida) a členové sboru opery NDM

Photo by: Martin Popelář
Richard Haan (Ismen) a členové sboru opery NDM

Photo by: Martin Popelář
Tomáš Černý (Rinald) a členové sboru opery NDM

Photo by: Martin Popelář
Tomáš Černý (Rinald) a Richard Haan (Ismen)

Photo by: Martin Popelář
Dana Burešová (Armida) a Tomáš Černý (Rinald)

Photo by: Martin Popelář
Dana Burešová (Armida) a Tomáš Černý (Rinald)

Photo by: Martin Popelář
Podřízené inscenace
Inscenation Date
Extra action - opera
Nadřazené inscenace
Extra action - opera