THE BROKEN JUG (Der zerbrochene Krug)
Viktor Ullmann
Repetition Apr 11, 2023, 6.30 PM
Antonín Dvořák Theatre
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THE BROKEN JUG (Der zerbrochene Krug) - Repetition Apr 11, 2023

Viktor Ullmann

Repetition Apr 11, 2023, 6.30 PM - Antonín Dvořák Theatre

One-act opera from 1942


Libretto of The Broken Jug by Viktor Ullmann based on the comedy of the same name by Heinrich von Kleist (1777–1811) from 1806

Conductor Jakub Klecker
Stage director Rocc

The second author out of three to whom the Terezín Opera Cycle is devoted is Viktor Ullmann, a native of Těšín. Two one-act operas, which he composed in a short time interval, premiere at the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre. While The Broken Jug—a satirical tale of a seemingly absurd trial—was completed just before the author's interment in the Terezín Ghetto, The Emperor of Atlantis was negatively affected by the place of its creation and its prohibited premiere in Terezín, as — the parallels between the Nazi leader and the fictional character of the emperor resulted in censorship halting the rehearsal process in March 1944. Conducted by Kerry Woodward, the opera premiered at the Dutch National Opera on 16 December 1975 and has been one of the most commonly performed titles abroad in recent years.

Performed in the Czech translation by Jaromír Nohavica with Czech and English subtitles.


The production is staged in coproduction with the National Theatre and forms a part of the project Musica non grata. Supported by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Prague.
A publication on Viktor Ullmann entitled Viktor Ullmann neklidný středoevropan in Czech, Polish, and German can be downloaded here.
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logoProduction team
Music director
Stage director
Set designer
Costume designer
Movement director
Czech lyrics
logoCast at date: Apr 11, 2023
Walter, judge
Adam, village judge
Licht, scribe
Mrs. Marthe Rull
Eve, her daughter
Veit Tümpel
Ruprecht, his son
Mrs. Brigitte
First maid
Second maid
Date Time Stage Type Detail Tickets
Feb 14, 2023Antonín Dvořák TheatreVeřejná generální zkouškashow detail
Feb 16, 20236.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatrePremiereshow detail
Feb 18, 20236.30 PMAntonín Dvořák Theatre2nd premiereshow detail
Feb 23, 20236.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Mar 7, 20236.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Mar 31, 20236.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Apr 11, 20236.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
May 11, 20236.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Oct 20, 20236.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Oct 25, 20236.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Nov 7, 20236.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Jan 31, 20246.30 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Feb 4, 20247.00 PMThe National Theatre - The Estates TheatreRepetitionshow detail
Apr 7, 20243.00 PMAntonín Dvořák TheatreDerniereshow detail

The play is no longer in our repertoire.

logoRehearsal gallery
Nikola Novotná (First maid), David Nykl (Adam, village judge), Vojtěch Šembera (Servant)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
David Nykl (Adam, village judge), Jorge Garza (Licht, scribe)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Nikola Novotná (First maid), Urszula Kulesza (Second maid), David Nykl (Adam, village judge), Jorge Garza (Licht, scribe)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Urszula Kulesza (Second maid), Vojtěch Šembera (Servant), Michaela Zajmi (Mrs. Marthe Rull), Boris Prýgl (Walter, judge), Josef Moravec (Ruprecht, his son), Jorge Garza (Licht, scribe), Roman Vlkovič (Veit Tümpel), Nikola Novotná (First maid), Doubravka Novotná (Eve, her daughter)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Michaela Zajmi (Mrs. Marthe Rull), David Nykl (Adam, village judge), Doubravka Novotná (Eve, her daughter), Boris Prýgl (Walter, judge), Jorge Garza (Licht, scribe), Roman Vlkovič (Veit Tümpel), Josef Moravec (Ruprecht, his son)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Roman Vlkovič (Veit Tümpel), Doubravka Novotná (Eve, her daughter), Josef Moravec (Ruprecht, his son)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Václav Morys (Mrs. Brigitte), Roman Vlkovič (Veit Tümpel), Urszula Kulesza (Second maid), Jorge Garza (Licht, scribe), Nikola Novotná (First maid), Vojtěch Šembera (Servant)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Ihor Maryshkin (Servant), Marcela Gurbaľová (First maid), Tetiana Hryha (Second maid), Martin Gurbaľ (Adam, village judge)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Marcela Gurbaľová (First maid), Martin Gurbaľ (Adam, village judge), Tetiana Hryha (Second maid)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Boris Prýgl (Walter, judge), Anna Nitrová (Mrs. Marthe Rull), Martin Gurbaľ (Adam, village judge), Martin Gyimesi (Licht, scribe)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Tetiana Hryha (Second maid), Martin Gurbaľ (Adam, village judge), Boris Prýgl (Walter, judge), Martin Gyimesi (Licht, scribe), Markéta Klaudová (Eve, her daughter)
Photo by: Martin Popelář
Anna Nitrová (Mrs. Marthe Rull), Markéta Klaudová (Eve, her daughter), Boris Prýgl (Walter, judge), Martin Gurbaľ (Adam, village judge), Jiří Halama (Mrs. Brigitte), Tetiana Hryha (Second maid), Martin Gyimesi (Licht, scribe), Erik Ondruš (Veit Tümpel)
Photo by: Martin Popelář